• Diabetes metal - A review of CyHra's Letters to Myself

    CyHra - Letters to Myself (2017)

    CyHra's Letters to Myself is diabetes metal: a thick-layered saccharine syrupy alternative rock effort that doesn't have anything to do with the bands its different members had been involved with prior to forming this band. The record is domineered by simple electronic soundscapes, short melodic guitar solos and polished clean vocals. Few bands push fluffy and melodic rock to such an extreme as this group even makes bands like Amaranthe, In Flames and Stratovarius sound like grim extreme metal outfits in comparison. One has to admit that the band has a quite unique sound but one has to be in the right mood to enjoy this album.

    Many tracks sound somewhat exchangeable on this homogeneous effort but a few of them manage to stand out after multiple spins and could serve as indicators whether you are going to digest the sweet potpourri or get an auditive diarrhoea for the next days to come. Opener ''Karma'' is the most energetic song on the album with vivid electronic soundscapes, melodic guitar licks and upbeat rhythmic sections. It's quite a mirage actually since it makes you believe that this album could actually classify as melodic djent. 

    ''Heartrage'' equally fools you with seemingly heavier riffs in the verses before the pre-chorus only focuses on melodic electronic sounds and harmonious vocals before the epic chorus employs high-pitched vocals performing memorable hooks and lets the mask fall for good. 

    The elegiac and simplistic alternative rock ballad ''Closure'' invites to dream yourself far away with soothing vocals and minimalist song structure.

    ''Inside A Lullaby'' is another ballad that rather employs modest symphonic sound samples and is domineered by enchanting piano melodies that do its title justice. 

    Album closer ''Dead to Me'' could be described as power ballad with a slightly melancholy touch featuring spoken word passages that even include some surprising swear words interwoven in moderate poetic inspiration.

    CyHra's Letters to Myself is best enjoyed by people who like melodic alternative rock with electronic soundscapes or particularly mellow nu metal that could regularly play at the discotheque or on the radio. The band certainly has its very own style and unites numerous melodic rock sounds created since the beginning of the new millennium to create its own interpretation of contemporary rock music. The final result is at times overwhelmingly mellow but somewhat entertaining if you like bands such as Linkin Park, The Night Flight Orchestra and Thirty Seconds to Mars and even features a few tunes that might grow on you as time goes by.

    Final rating: 60%

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