• Epic power metal with grit, passion and skills - A review of Perennial Quest's Perennial Quest

    Perennial Quest - Perennial Quest (2020)

    Perennial Quest's self-titled extended play is a step in the right direction in many ways for the power metal sextet from Boston that offers passionate early DragonForce worship. The cover artwork makes think of a comic book for children but is nevertheless quite unique and certainly much better than the simplistic artwork of the predecessor. The production has improved by a mile as the bass guitar is audible this time around, the keyboards take much more space than before and the drums deliver much more energy. The song writing is also much better as calm and atmospheric passages are fluidly interwoven with faster sections dominated by ecstatic guitar play. The song material itself features quite a few new sing-along passages that would invite for energetic live performances. The four songs with a total running time of twenty-eight minutes don't overstay their welcome and entertain from start to finish.

    The indidvidual performances have also improved over the past three years. The melodic vocals blend in even better than before. The drums sound energetic, playful and varied. The bass guitar offers energy and strength. The keyboards have improved by a notch and offer some creative passages with decent cinematic, folkloristic and symphonic inspirations. It's hard to believe but the already excellent guitar play has also improved as the three guitarist complement one another even better than before. While other bands with three guitarists sound overloaded, Perennial Quest's approach sounds balanced, diversified and structured.

    To keep it short, Perennial Quest's self-titled extended play is one of the best melodic power metal releases of the year. While all musicians deliver very good to excellent performances, the absolutely outstanding guitar play might even approach excellence. If you like DragonForce's first four studio albums, you should give this band a chance. The Bostonian sextet deserves to get signed by a big label as energetic, fast and technical power metal music offered by enthusiastic newcomers has become a rarity these days.

    Final rating: 85%

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