• Super 8 (2011) - A great blockbuster for the cinematic summer of 2011 - 8/10 (18/06/11)

    Super 8 (2011)


    "Super 8" is a very creative science-fiction movie that can be seen as an homage to the works of Steven Spielberg such as "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial" or "The Goonies". The movie is not only set in the end of the seventies and the beginning of the eighties but also inspired by the movies, the music and the technical discoveries of that time which gives a nostalgic charm to the movie which distinguishes it from other comparable adventure movies starring young actors and the classic inspirations mentioned above.

    Even though the story focuses on the adventures of a bunch of friends in a rather unknown and isolated small town in the middle of nowhere in the United States of America, this movie could also please to a lot of adults because of the classic influences, the nostalgic factors and a couple of surprisingly well done special effects and even a few rather brutal fighting scenes. I would like to underline the high budget that was perfectly used in this technically perfect movie as well as the brilliant acting of all actors and especially the young stars like the charismatic and authentic main male actor Joel Courtney and the very charming and breathtaking Elle Fanning that interact in a great way. Their relation is credible, dramatic and romantic and they are one of the best young actor couples I have ever seen in the history of cinema.

    The story integrates everything a good adventure blockbuster needs to be a success for this year's cinematic summer: credible and diversified personalities, philosophically touched emotional topics such as first love, friendship and loss, some mysterious events that keep the tension high until the end and reserve some light surprises, some good humour, a lot of dramatic emotions, many and well crafted but not too overwhelming action scenes, many tension filled passages and a typically Hollywood ending.

    The only thing that I might criticize is that the makers of the movie didn't always seem to know if they want to address to a younger or an older public and even though both public could appreciate this movie, there are a few flaws: the shooting and killing scenes in the bus are way too brutal for young children while the somewhat stereotypical ending waters the movie down and may seem ridiculous to many adults. The only other negative point is the fact that the homage automatically copies a lot from the initial movies and isn't that original and fresh anymore.

    But in the end this is well crafted entertainment for old and young with a multitude of influences and a stunningly great acting that is only watered down by a childish ending after many mature and intense moments. After many weak cinematic months, this is finally a very well done movie for the whole family.


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