• 陰陽座 / The Gathering Of Yin And Yang - 鬼哭転生 / Demon Reincarnation (1999) - These Japanese will get you out of your breath - 72% (12/04/12)

    陰陽座 / The Gathering Of Yin And Yang - 鬼哭転生 / Demon Reincarnation (1999)


    The record of the band Onmyo-Za attracted me because of the stylish band photo, the unusual cover artwork and many positive experiences with diversified, stunning and sometimes surreal Japanese metal bands from classic groups such as Loudness or X Japan to modern acts such as Dir En Grey, Gonin-Ish or Sound Horizon.

    This rather unknown act from Japan has also a hell load of potential. We have these weird and typically Japanese atmospheres in tracks as "逢魔刻" that send shivers down my spine. We have tracks with multiple changes of style on a rather short length that sound sometimes incoherent and overloaded but never get boring and find their time to grow like the slightly irritating "文車に燃ゆ恋文" or the well constructed album highlight "鬼斬忍法帖" where the band mixes all of its best influences without losing the listener for the very first time. This track could also be included on a classic album by X Japan but it sounds a little bit straighter and not as symphonic and gets to the point. If the band is able to write this kind of music on the upcoming records, they are definitely on the right lane and should find their place in the circle of great and innovative Japanese metal music. At this point, the song is rather isolated and can't catch up for several weaker tracks.

    Some things definitely don't quite fit together on this record. On one side, you have sweet miniature symphonies that are definitely too cute for the majority of the metal maniacs out there; even for those who have a romantic side. A track like "氷の楔" is not only too cheesy but also way too long to convince. It’s definitely one of the weakest songs on here. This might maybe please to fans of Within Temptation. On the other side, you have short tracks with death metal elements as the album closer "亥の子唄" that makes me think about the earliest efforts of Amorphis. The song is definitely a good one but feels completely out of space on this album and gives the whole thing a compilation or filler feeling.

    The band simply doesn't dose its experimentations very well. Some tracks are overwhelmingly emotional, other rather cold and lack of passion. Sometimes the guitar dominate and the players prove that they are rather gifted and play some great solos and at some points the keyboards take the lead and completely change the face of the band sound, often in a rather negative way. The combination of male and female vocals can be a good thing and if we take them and analyze them separately, the voices are definitely strong and charismatic. But when they work together in duets, there is no connection and they simply don't harmonize at all. Both singers sing their thing and don't seem to care about the other and that's a strange concept that simply doesn't work and makes it very hard to approach this record.

    As many Japanese bands, this one should focus on its strengths and try to sound more coherent and structured instead of trying out everything at the same time on a short length record. The potential is definitely there but the band needs a better producer and sound engineer that creates a more vivid and yet structured sound instead of an overwhelming melting pot where very instrument, sound effect or vocal effort is recorded in the same volume. This album simply gets you out of breath with all its details and the band needs better transitions, more running time and well catalyzed song writings. If they adapt these skills, they could still become the next big thing in the metal scene of their country. The tendancy is positive but the first result still somewhat disappointing.


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