• Valley's Eve - Deception Of Pain (2002) - Progressive power metal with guts - 72% (28/10/10)

    Valley's Eve - Deception Of Pain (2002)


    I bought this album for only 1 Euro at Woolworth and didn't know anything about this band. While I didn't expect very much, I got surprised by this record. The band plays straight power metal with guts and has even some progressive and surprising elements. They do not sound like ordinary average European power metal bands.

    The first song, "The fire burns" is a powerful and straight metal hymn that goes straight to the heart and is a perfect opener that already convinced me that I had bought a very good album. Especially the singer is doing an outstanding job and is very talented. This song is without any doubt the highlight of the album and I can't this song out of my mind.

    More epic stuff like "Point of no return" or "Mirror in your eyes" are more calm and profound and concentrate on a mystical atmosphere. Those songs show the diversity and creativity of the band and the talent that they have to search their power in the tranquility. The songs need some time to grow, but when they do, you will really appreciate them.

    This album inspired me to check out the new band "Mystic Prophecy" while this band is still on hold. I will also try to check out the band's other albums now. This record is very solid and easy to listen to even if it is not a masterpiece. It is somehow sad that the band seems to be dead as this album has been a really good one. It is indeed worth way more than to be found at Woolworth's at a very low price.


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