• Mors fortior quam vita est, amor fortior quam mors est.

    Released under the credo Death is stronger than life but love is stronger than death on the longest night of the year, Swallow the Sun's Lumina Aurea is probably the most bleak, experimental and mysterious track the band has ever released. Inspired by the tragic death of South African singer Aleah Liane Stanbridge and the months of suffering that followed, guitarist and band leader Juha Raivio has apparently struggled overcoming this tragic event until today. Trees of Eternity's sorrowful debut was released as her swansong a few months after her death. Juha Raivio's new atmospheric doom metal band Hallatar was also partially inspired by the sinister events. Juha Raivio might also be working on what was supposed to become Aleah Liane Stanbridge's solo album. The tragic circumstances have now also had an impact on Swallow the Sun. It might help overcome such a tragic event with the magic of musical projects and the final results are certainly very profound. However, one can't help but feel sorry and even sad for the Finnish musician.

    When bands release a single a few months before the next studio album, the release usually has the purpose to represent and promote the full length effort. That certainly isn't the case here. This single isn't even included on the upcoming album. The song sounds very different from anything the band has ever recorded. Upcoming record When a Shadow Is Forced into the Light is supposed to promote a positive message while Lumina Aurea explores the darkest depths of the human soul. Here is hope that Juha Raivio can finally close this bleak chapter and find peace of mind with the release of the new studio record in about one month.

    The epic title song is essentially a plodding ambient track with minimalist instrumental work, modestly employed horn and percussion sounds by Einar Selvik and Latin poetry recitation by The Foreshadowing's singer Marco Benevento. The track is supported by a stunning music video shot in and around Lapland that deals with topics such as death, loneliness and pain in visually impressive images. The song doesn't have anything to do with Swallow the Sun's funeral doom metal style except for its gripping atmosphere.

    Reactions to this release have been quite controversial. Some people understand the circumstances regarding the release, respect the band leader's necessity to free his soul from his inner demons and hail the song's profound atmosphere. Others claim the track doesn't vary enough, overstays its welcome and shouldn't have been released as a Swallow the Sun track.

    The song is probably best enjoyed in small doses. It's an atmospheric, meaningful and surprising piece of music and soul striptease that is worth your attention, money and respect. However, it's obviously tough to digest and shouldn't be listened to by anyone who is feeling uneasy, depressive or suicidal.

    It's incredibly tough to even rate this song. If you have any form of empathy, your evaluation should be positive. Giving a song with so much negative energy a perfect rating would however also feel inappropriate. Ultimately, Swallow the Sun's Lumina Aurea is great for what it is but should be listened to with care.

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  • Mesdames et Messieurs!

    Certains entraîneurs de hockey offrent le conseil précieux de bouger les pieds à leurs joueurs. L'exemple le plus populaire de ce conseil innovateur est Michel Therrien. Ce conseil s'inscrit dans la tradition d'autres conseils tels que ''garder les choses simples'' et ''jouer notre jeu'' sur la patinoire. Malheureusement, les joueurs des Canadiens de Montréal ont dû penser à autre chose en entendant ce conseil: à la chanson suivante. Voilà pourquoi Michel Therrien fut congédié. Le message ne passait plus. La Coupe Stanley ne bouge pas ses pieds à Montréal par les temps qui courent. On devra attendre la semaine des quatre jeudis pour que ça arrive. Sur cela, bonne écoute: olé, olé, olé, olé!

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  • Lindemann - Mathematik (2018)

    Meine Damen und Herren!

    Rammsteins Sanger Till Lindemann ist hinlanglich fur seine Provokationen bekannt, aber selbst hartgesottene Verehrer des poetischen Genies werden von dessen neuer Single wohl sehr uberrascht gewesen sein. Verkleidet als Prostituierte im japanischen Schulmadchenkostum, das in dreckigen Kellern Xylophon spielt, singt er in diesem brandneuen Lied mit dem deutsch-turkischen Rapper Haftbefehl uber Mathematik. Anstatt des erwarteten Industrial Rocks gibt es Trip Hop auf die Ohren. Der Text erinnert mich an ein eigenes Erleben aus meiner Schulzeit, als die Hauptschule saniert werden musste und die Schuler daher in Containern auf dem Gelande meines Gymnasiums einquartiert wurden. Als ich eines Nachmittags den Bus mit einigen Hauptschulern nahm, erzahlte ein etwa vierzehnjahriger Hauptschuler von seinen Karriereplanen: ''Alter, wofur brauche ich Mathematik, wenn ich Zuhalter werden will?'' Das ist eine gute Frage. Vielleicht braucht man in der Branche Mathematik um seine Prostituierten zu zahlen. Man sollte auch deren Einkommen berechnen konnen. Man musste seine Ausgaben in der Wirtschaftsbranche sorgfaltig planen. Je mehr ich daruber denke, desto mehr realisiere ich, dass man als Zuhalter ganz besonders mathematisch begabt sein muss. Aber das hatte der ambitionierte Karrieremann damals wohl nicht verstanden. Herr Lindemann hilft ihm und anderen geistigen Tieffliegern mit diesem besinnlichen Lied zum Weihnachtsfest. In dem Sinne: Ein Hoch auf die Mathematik!

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  • Ladies and gentlemen!

    A wonderful year 2018 is about to come to an end. It's about to time to take a look at what 2019 has to offer. I will take a look at anticipated music, movies and video games. This post presents video games that I find intriguing that will be released throughout the entire year. Enjoy your discovery!

    Life Is Strange 2 (Five episodes released through 2018 and 2019)

    Metro: Exodus (February 22nd 2019)

    The Sinking City (March 21st 2019)

    Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (March 22th 2019) 

    Days Gone (April 26th 2019)

    A Plague Tale: Innocence (TBA 2019)

     Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (TBA 2019)

    Control (TBA 2019) 

    Cyberpunk 2077 (TBA 2019)

    Death Stranding (TBA 2019)

    Ghost of Tsushima (TBA 2019)

    In the Valley of Gods (TBA 2019)

    Skull and Bones (TBA 2019)

     The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan (TBA 2019)

     The Outer Worlds (TBA 2019)

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  •  Ladies and gentlemen!

    A wonderful year 2018 is about to come to an end. It's about to time to take a look at what 2019 has to offer. I will take a look at anticipated music, movies and video games. This post presents movies that I find intriguing that will be released throughout the entire year. Enjoy your discovery!

    Escape Room (January 4th 2019)

    The Vanishing (January 4th 2019)

    Glass (January 18th 2019)

    Twelve Children Who Want to Die (January 25th 2019)

    Arctic (February 1st 2019)

    Alita: Battle Angel (February 14th 2019)

    Happy Death Day 2U (February 14th 2019)

    Godzilla: King of the Monsters (May 31st 2019)

    Artemis Fowl (August 9th 2019)

    It: Chapter Two (September 6th 2019)

    Kingsman: The Great Game (November 8th 2019)

    Knives Out (November 27th 2019) 

     The last three trailers are fan-made teasers.

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