• Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

    Ladies and gentlemen!

    Here are some pictures of my visit of the Diefenbunker in Carp, a suburb of Ottawa. The four-story bunker was built between 1959 and 1962 to protect the members of the Canadian government in the event of a nuclear war. After the decline of the Cold War, the use of the bunker was discontinued in 1994 and it became a museum. I visited it with a good friend of mine last Saturday.

    Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

     Jean-Daniel at the entrance

    Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

     Ticket shop

    Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

     Exhibition about the Cold War in Berlin

    Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

     Jean-Daniel in a kitchen

    Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

     Men's dorm

    Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

     Jean-Daniel in the pantry at the lowest level of the bunker

    Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

     Vault of the Canadian Bank

    Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

     Studio of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

    Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

     The Prime Minister's ''Suite''

    Canadian Emergency Government Headquarters: Diefenbunker

     Tunnel connecting the bunker to the outside world

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