• Pictures of my winter activity at ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut'' in Piedmont/St-Sauveur

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    Since winter has become my favourite season over the past few years, I always enjoy doing outdoor activities. Last Friday, I had the chance to go to ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut'' in Piedmont, next to Saint-Sauveur, a very small town which is about thirty minutes north of Montreal. I was able to do different types of snowtubing during a wonderful winter day. Please enjoy a few pictures I took last week.

    Have a nice day and enjoy your winter activities!

    Sebastian Kluth

    Pictures from my winter activity at ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut'' in Piedmont/St-SauveurThis is the entrance of ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut''

    Pictures from my winter activity at ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut'' in Piedmont/St-SauveurHere is a map or plan of the different types of snowtubing.

    Pictures from my winter activity at ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut'' in Piedmont/St-SauveurThis picture was taken out of a rafting tube and also shows a few so-called tornado tubes. Rafting tubes were really fast while tornado tubes spinned quite a lot.

    Pictures from my winter activity at ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut'' in Piedmont/St-SauveurThis picture shows a wooden shack in front of the slopes for rafting and tornado tubes.

    Pictures from my winter activity at ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut'' in Piedmont/St-SauveurThese are the slopes for smaller and regular tubes.

    Pictures from my winter activity at ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut'' in Piedmont/St-SauveurThis is the highest point of the small amusement park.

    Pictures from my winter activity at ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut'' in Piedmont/St-SauveurThere were two different ways to climb the hills in this park.

    Pictures from my winter activity at ''Les Glissades des Pays d'En Haut'' in Piedmont/St-SauveurThis is a great overview of the main site of this little adventure park. It's also my favourite picture taken that day.

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