• The end is near for Canada's greatest rock band of all times: Rush

    Rush calls it quits

    Dear readers of my blog,

    The stunning forty-seven-year long career of Canada's greatest and most famous rock band Rush seems to come to an end. The last ''R40'' tour that was announced as last longer tour of the band had already come to an end last summer. I was lucky enough to get a ticket for their Montreal show and to see the charismatic trio for the first and probably last time ever. Just like Black Sabbath and Yes, I was able to see these legends before the end of their careers. Yesterday, Rush's drummer Neil Peart said in an interview that he considers himself retired from his musical career now. This probably means that the entire band has come to an end after twenty studio albums and numerous live releases over five decades. In order to celebrate the achievements of the three Rock and Roll Hall of Fame members, I simply wanted to share some of their best moments with you. Please note that the band's live performances are even much better than their great studio records. If you haven't discovered this band yet, do yourself a favor and start your journey here and now.

    I sincerely hope you enjoy this short selection of songs that only represents a minor fraction of the band's talent.

    Sebastian Kluth

    ''Working Man'' (1974)

    ''Anthem'' (1975)

    ''2112'' (1976)

    ''Cygnus X-1 (Books I & II)'' (1977-78) 

    ''The Spirit of Radio'' (1980)

    ''Limelight'' (1981)

    ''New World Man'' (1982) 

    ''Red Sector A'' (1984)

    ''The Big Money'' (1985)

    ''Roll the Bones'' (1991)

    ''Test for Echo'' (1996)

    ''Headlong Flight'' (2012)

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