• My Favourite Cover Artworks of the Year 2023

    Dear readers,

    I have never attempted this before but I would like to introduce you to my five favourite album cover artworks of the year in order of preference. The artworks speak sufficiently for themselves, so instead of boring you with witty descriptions, I would simply invite you to take a closer look at my five candidates. Enjoy!

    1. Haken - Fauna

    Haken - Fauna

    2. Elvenking - Reader of the Runes: Rapture

    Elvenking - Reader of the Runes: Rapture

    3. In Flames - Foregone

    In Flames - Foregone

    4. Blood Star - First Sighting

    Blood Star - First Sighting

    5. Warmen - Here for None

    Warmen - Here for None

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